animal lover

美 [ˈænɪml ˈlʌvər]英 [ˈænɪml ˈlʌvə(r)]
  • 动物爱好者
animal loveranimal lover
  1. So we caught our animal lover again .


  2. If you are an animal lover , you might be a bit disturbed while watching the programme .


  3. You know that I 'm an animal lover , right ?


  4. Are you an animal lover ?


  5. " No , I am a fervent animal lover ," replied Ruth .


  6. As a restaurant critic and an animal lover , I subscribe to a policy of complete hypocrisy .


  7. He is an animal lover and he rescues animals , like abandoned dogs and cats . And he even rescues monkeys .


  8. Now , though , that 's no longer the case , thanks to a Dutch animal lover who has created a beer especially for our canine chums .


  9. And since it doesn 't involve killing any fowl , it may lead to chicken nuggets that even the staunchest animal lover will nibble on .


  10. When you hear about a man saving his dog from a sinking ship , it 's hard to not be moved by the tale of an animal lover 's heroism .


  11. Mr Russell , of Raleigh County , said his wife is an animal lover and she 's collected cats , geese , ducks , chickens and other types of birds over the years .


  12. Kaley Cuoco , star of the hit TV show " The Big Bang Theory " and a life-long animal lover , was inspired by a painful accident to make beautiful music for homeless animals .


  13. Animal lover Gabriella Fletcher , 20 , from Stourbridge in the West Midlands owns 16-year-old black cat Susie , and regularly poses for selfies with her pet .


  14. A spokeswoman in berlusconi 's office was unable to confirm whether the prime minister suffers from arachnophobia , saying only that he is an animal lover who also wants to protect Italians from potential danger .


  15. If you are a truly indiscriminate animal lover but you 've already seen Karni Mata temple ( or rats just aren 't your thing ) , why not visit the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi , Thailand ?


  16. Being an animal owner and lover is essential , previous experience is not necessary .
